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Hi, we are Julian and Kristina, the founder couple behind Love Life Solved. We started this site to help men (and women) become their most attractive self – internally and externally.

If you are like most of our readers, you’re a good guy who is intelligent and successful in his career. But there is something missing: You want to date stunning women or even find that special someone to spend your life with.

However, if you currently aren’t getting the results you want, chances are you need to change a thing or two. That’s where we come in.

Kristina and I, write articles, connect you with the best coaches, organize events, curate the most interesting content from all over the web, and much more. We are the people you can trust in a dating world that has gone crazy.

How We Can Help

The stuff we know a thing or two about.

We solve dating problems with self-improvement.

We will help you…

  • Start conversations with the women you want to meet.
  • Overcome your shyness, especially around women.
  • Get control over negative emotions like jealousy, anger, or frustration.
  • Create a kickass lifestyle with great friends and hobbies.
  • Become happy, even when you are alone.
  • Turn yourself into a highly attractive, authentic, and honest man.
  • Hone your social skills so you can hold fascinating conversations without nervousness or awkward silence.
  • Build unshakable confidence that shows in your behavior and body language.
  • Adopt the mindset of a man who has choice with women.
  • Stop caring so much about what others think.
  • Never end up in the friend zone again.
  • Recognize the subtle signs women give you to signal interest.
  • Understand the female perspective on sex, flirting, showing interest, and more.
  • Succeed at online dating.
  • Fight less and love more, once you are in a relationship.

Our Manifesto

The principles we live and work by.

Rule No.1

The best way to develop choice with women is by focusing on yourself, not on women.

Focus too much on becoming better with women and you’ll become needy and hard to deal with. Chill guys! Rather focus on living an amazing life and growing into the confident man you always wanted to become. Believe it or not, women fight over great guys because there isn’t exactly a ton of them out there. Become the sexy guy she chases rather than the guy who starts to drool when a girl in a mini skirt passes by.

Rule No.2

Nothing will change unless you take action.

We can provide the info you need. But nothing will ever change unless you take the advice and apply it to your own life.

Rule No.3

Every woman is an individual. There is no one size fits all formula.

Every woman is an individual with a unique set of expectations, preferences, hopes, and values. To think that there is a general formula that makes you irresistible to every single woman out there is nuts.

Rule No.4

Your lifestyle is the key to dating success.

Your lifestyle determines how healthy, confident, socially skilled, and happy you are. What you do is who you become.

Rule No.5

No pickup.

We hate everything that has to do with manipulating women. If you have to trick someone into liking you, what’s the point? We believe in mutual connections that go deeper than drunk one night stands. Become a keeper, not the mistake she regrets the next morning.

Rule No.6

No fake names.

We are a credible source that provides valuable information on how to develop a happier love life. There is nothing shady about it and we are definitely not ashamed of what we do. Therefore, we don’t see any reason to hide behind a fake name like many PUAs do.

Rule No.7

No esotericism.

The self-improvement industry is flooded with new age crap like the law of attraction. You don’t have to believe in spiritual powers to live the life of your dreams. You just have to learn how to believe in yourself. We’ll show you how.

Rule No.8

You can’t change others. You can only change yourself.

People tend to change only at their own will. No matter how much pressure you apply, if someone doesn’t want to change you can’t force them. The only person you can change is yourself. Therefore, if you want to see change in others you have to start with yourself.

Mark Manson Online Courses

Mark Manson is probably the most popular writer in the field of dating. His articles, and especially his book Models: Attract Women Through Honesty, has changed our understanding of how to meet and attract women. Mark is one of the few guys that we constantly promote because we believe his content is authentic and helpful to any man trying to become more attractive.

Mark offers three courses:

  1. The Connection Course – all about developing strong social skills and connecting with others on an emotional level.
  2. The Overcome Anxiety Course – perfect for all of you who struggle with social anxiety.
  3. The Dating and Relationships Course – everything you need to know about dating and relationships

You can purchase each course individually for $67 or get all three for just $117. Detailed review about the courses is coming soon.

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