
What we do

We help good guys with finding, attracting, and living happily ever after with the woman of their dreams in this fast-paced digital world of ours, where people rather tweet than talk – with common sense and respect for women.

Meet the Team

Hey, I am Julian Reisinger!

I’m an entrepreneur, student and semi-professional photographer who enjoys fishing and playing beach volleyball – although my hobbies tend to change every few months. As you may have noticed, I also love writing about self-improvement. Some of the stuff I come up with has been published, most noteworthy on TIME, Inc.com, Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and some others.

Why I started Lovelifesolved.com

For the longest time in my life, I had a frustrating love life. Frustrating in this case, equals not existing.

I was extremely awkward with women because I didn’t know how to relate to them on an emotional level. I tried everything to solve my love problems: Acting as the class clown to make girls laugh, buying expensive clothes and improving my physical appearance, befriending girls so they could see how great of a guy I truly was. I even learned all kinds of seemingly attractive skills like playing the drums. But none of it helped.

After years of serious heartache, the situation became unbearable for me. In a last desperate attempt, I decided to fix this part of my life once and for all.

Over the next years, I immersed myself in everything related to becoming great with women. The material I read and the coaching I took helped a bit, but what changed my life was working as the personal assistant for one of the most exclusive dating coaches in the world. He was basically the real-life Hitch and his clients were mainly wealthy businessmen in their 30s and early 40s.

Seeing him teach guys how to get from having zero success in love to dating multiple women at once was an eye-opening experience for me.

Now, that I have been in a fulfilling relationship with my beautiful girlfriend Kristina for more than four years, I feel the urge to help other guys solve their challenges with women.

I went from being “undatable”, socially awkward and shy, to having true choice with women and being with the girl of my dreams. I know all the steps to get there. If I was able to do it, so are you! Let’s solve this problem together – once and for all, so you too can share all the amazing experiences life has to offer with the woman you love.

Hi, I am Kristina Kirilova! But call me Krisi.

I grew up in Bulgaria, in Sofia to be exact. After I finished school there I decided to move to Vienna, Austria to improve my German skills and study business law. Little did I know that I would also find love there. (damn that sounds cheesy)

Funny fact about me: I am afraid of (living) fish and low flying pigeons.

Why I am helping men become more attractive

Many of my friends just dated around for fun. One night this guy the next night a different one. No commitments and no deep connections. But I was always different: Just dating around never appealed to me. I wanted to be in a meaningful relationship with someone real – someone who could show me his authentic self. I am lucky to have found that someone in Julian.

When he showed me his passion for helping other men get trough the same tough phase that he had to survive, I immediately knew that my expertise from having been approached in any way possible would come in handy. So, Julian and I decided to partner up and show the world that there is a better way to meet and attract amazing women. A better way than relying on chance, manipulative pickup techniques, or simplistic advice from men’s magazines.

Why we do it

We have a burning desire to show the world that every guy who is willing to improve, can become a highly attractive and confident man.

We’ve built Lovelifesolved.com because we strongly believe that every good guy out there should have a place where he can find honest advice on dating and relationships that just works. Not the bullshit you can find all over the web, but real world advice from someone who has been through all of it. Because in the end, everyone just wants to have that special someone by their side to share the best moments of their life with. We can show you how to get there!

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